Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Beautiful Birds, Bees, and Butterflies!

...(and Sphinx moth) Began this past Spring and continue!

 Click o the ABC Wednesday icon below to see the list of other contributers this week! And Have Fun!!

Giant Swallowtail

left of phlox - in front of pole... Sphinx moth ("Hummingbird Moth")

Bumble Bee on Dianthus

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on dianthus

"Mrs." Baltimore Oriole

 "Mr." Baltimore Oriole

Robin in Barbie's tree

 "Mrs." Rose-Breasted Grosbeak" at left,  "Mr." R.B. Grosbeak in center, Downy Woodpecker at right

Summer Tanager

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

A few of the Be-winged Blessings!


Carver said...

Beautiful shots of the birds and the bees and flowers. Carver, ABCW-Team

Beth said...

GREAT photos! The Giant swallowtail photo is really nice. Loved seeing the scarlet tanager (I've never seen one) and the orioles and grosbeak. I have difficulty getting the butterflies to hold still long enough for me to focus my camera. You did great, though. :)

Rose said...

One of the Benefits of gardening--seeing all these creatures enjoying the garden as much as we do. Great photos!

Roger Owen Green said...

love butterflies.
Is the oriole a pitcher or an everyday player?


Unknown said...

Butterflies, Bees, Birds, Flowers...summer is here....The butterfly pics are AWESOME!

Connie said...

I love your backyard garden photography . . . you have taken some incredible shots. I too love to watch the birds. Our neighbor built us a little red birdhouse that looks like a camper trailer. It wasn't more than a week when we saw that it was occupied :) It's so cute that if I were a bird, I would have moved in, in a minute :)
I love making new blogging friends and just hit your follow button. I do hope that you will come to visit and follow me back. I have met the nicest people through blogging. Now that I am retired I don't have the connection with people that I had when I was working, blogging has filled that need to surround myself with lovely friends.
I hope that you are having a wonderful day and that we'll become great blogging friends.
Connie :)

Connie said...

Hi! I forgot to tell you what bought me to your blog . . . the title . . . you are so creative.
I love the name you choose :)

mrsnesbitt said...

I am working on our bird feeding area as we speak. The first photograph made me laugh - I thought the plant was laughing at me! I am not paranoid I promise - just need to get out more lol!

Shady Gardener said...

I so appreciate your visits and comments. I have enjoyed being able to do some blogging again! :-)